Wednesday 15 August 2012

Oh OK one more today...CONSEQUENCES

OK a few photos I hobbled together from 'all over the shop' that need ... well hobbling together as does a great many other things which I now plan ondoing...

Well on boring rainy days when there is little ealse to do or days when I am forcing myself to rest despite the utter hatred of boredom which then leads on to the insomnia kicking in which I detest more than anything as it buggers me up for the next day and sets off my anxiety disorder...

...I digress.

Now recall that these blog posts are part one of three...

Part ONE consists of documents, pictures and screenshots.

Part TWO, when contents of Part ONE is exhausted umm well enough, Part TWO will then consist of AUDIO and Video.

Part THREE will be left to last for many reasons but mainly for not wanting to be labelled irresponsible, though I could never imagine how that would be possible there would be those willing to try. Probably as incompetent, idiotic and obvious as over attempts made to build up an argument against me and attempting to defending their own dishonorable actions...

...DAMN! I digress...


In no particular order, and in all honesty not all recorded like my current broken/bruised rib...

My laocking and painful back-bending toe
The glass vase that shattered in my hands slicing my index finger
A Wine Glass that shattered in my hand
How I cannot always keep on top of household chores (my god embarassing that one!)
The lump in my knee after an accident
A bruise on the side of my knee after an accident
Another bruise on my knee after an ...well you get the idea?!
One of my two oddly shaped feet spotted by NON-MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS over the years, one being my sister, who i were told were 'BATTY' as if there was anything that was visually and onbviously wrong the dozen or so medical professionals i had seen would have spotted it ... UMM I GUESS NOT!!!

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