Tuesday 6 February 2018


This one is something I am placing here for future reference and I just pray that I remember to refer back to this.

Well .. I do have short term memory problems from my Fibromyalgia that causes me all sorts of problems.

Something is going to come out in the news media in various formats and it's something I've predicted. Predicted for a fair old while on here.

Now I'm not sure if the exact times and dates and nor do I know how it will come out. At least not right now at any rate.

When it does I will be linking it to this blog each time something is revealed.

But .. it might not have the right .. element of this news piece revealed to link back to this blog until later. So even though I start linking to the story and speaking about it, it might not be immediately apparent.

Though I might just give a brief reference back to this blog though the headline might still remain a mystery.

It is a bit like a post from a year or so ago I called 'The Canary' which I later revealed to be the nickname I gave someone who was Canadian and called Mary. Canadian Mary .. Canary. It's kinda something like that.

There are particular parties that I don't want aware of things while at the same time wanting to prove something to my readers. So I use clues and am confident that this clue won't be worked out, even if it is read by said party. Yeah .. I'm confident.

It won't be a long wait but I can assure you that it feels like an eternity. This is because of various factors not least being excitement. Others being various situations. Several situations and that's a little bit of an understatement.

Hmm .. wondering if I'm remembering a name wrong in the title?

Nope, nope not wrong, just double checked.

It's funny too because there is a kind of hidden extra meaning to this title that will seem bloody well humorous to some, many and maybe even all that read it? This hidden meaning will reveal itself to show how leanings in particular directions of political beliefs or views can go way too far and abused. It will also show how this leaning has been going on for a long, long time too.

With any luck .. this may all force the beginnings of change? I'm not naive. Many are. There will be those that expect things to change overnight. It not only won't but it can't. Not for everyone. Yes things take too long that's true but nothing can be done overnight. Especially when there is just soo much that needs to be changed.

Places like The Curry Road will suffer as well as those that have been abusing the system for so very long. Well at least that's the hope.

The other hope is that this gives hope to many that have been suffering.

It's always been a plan of mine to give hope to those that deserve it and I believe I've done that from time to time. I know I have. I just don't know how many numbers make up the figures of those I've given hope to? But the numbers I should bring hope to in the next six months alone should be in the five figure category at least and maybe in the six or perhaps in the seven figure category?

I might have to 'take a break' after that and go on my first holiday and twenty years?

Go to Scotland with my camera and take in the panoramic views?

It will all be a political thing.

It will all be a gender thing.

It will be a whole range of other things that will reflect badly in a whole list of people. Well .. groups .. and organisations .. a whole bevy of them and it will be easier to point out whose not been shot down in a fiery ball of flames.

There are some people I'd like to tell but I can't.

There are some people I'd like to talk to about all this but .. I can't. This will become clearer when it happens as I'll explain all that. This ranges from either over the top negativity using accusations of lying from people that have also lied. Twice and about to members of my family. Others just switch over .. talk over you after they have asked you what's been going on and talking about their own situation, which might seem laughable when it all comes out. I then don't get to explain even half of it. The hilarious thing about this is I get told a couple of things .. 'No one tells me anything', 'Too much going on for me to remember'. Also they remember things back to front because they simply were not listening and I either get the 'too much is going on' line or its insisted that, that was what I told them. Sometimes it's impossible for what they claim I said to have taken place. Umm .. it's hard to describe, lol.

There are a whole bunch of organisations of like to divulge this to that can help others but I can't do that either.

I can't risk what's about to take place from becoming public knowledge, even though it's more or less imminent.

Like I said to someone yesterday ..

"Yeah it's all well and good that a signature was given and this said but .. I'll believe it when I actually starts. Yes it's at an advanced stage that I've never even gotten close to before but so many times things have fallen on its face then headed south for the winter that you get a little anxious for everything to kick off".

Yeah it's a whole big shocking news story that nails my blog and everything I've ever said to the wall for all to see. Everything I've ever said, more or less. I'm assuming there might be things that it doesn't nail to the proverbial wall but .. I am not sure .. which means most of it at the very least.

Not heard anything back from putting my neck out into a world I had long since left. A surprise and a shame but there is time .. I guess?

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