Sunday 11 February 2018


Well I have been saying it for the longest time now but ..

We are being fed shite by the TV News media and the TV media in general.

Now obviously they are not doing this themselves but they are being ordered to do this and employing idiots that do not see this or simply do not care. Notice how they do not seem that .. bright? Lol.

It has been my long held belief and I have often theorised that big corporations influence the politicians who themselves influence the media who feed the crap to us while ignoring very important and shocking stories and obvious truths.

This is done by pay-offs and oddly enough I am worried that either one is going on right now or that a certain guy, let us call him a Men In Black title of 'J', is not who he claimed to be. The website certainly is not that good in all honesty .. considering what they have claimed to do and looks like something I could cook up in an evening.

Now I was sent something by someone that found something on Facebook and was sent to me because it contains a picture description of the flow of .. information that tallies up to the letter what I have told them for a few years now. Which is exactly what I have been stating on here for a while now and from the very outset.

I am having to embed this in here as html code so I am not sure how it will turn out and will have to check as soon as I have posted this!

I was also sent a link that stated that the ex-military hero and driver of Princess Diana has been left to live on the streets?! I will get around to that one shortly but cannot right now as I am tired and had to force myself to order a couple of things i have been trying to order for two days and pay an incompetent energy company, Eon Energy, my last bill for a previous property .. do not get me started on that one!

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